
Ultimately we aim to make installing Ray.jl as simple as running Pkg.add("Ray"). However, at the moment there are some manual steps are required to install Ray.jl. For users with machines using the Linux x86_64 or macOS aarch64 (Apple Silicon) platforms we have provided pre-built binaries for each Ray.jl release.

To install these dependencies and Ray.jl run the following:

# Install the Ray CLI
PYTHON=$(python3 --version | perl -ne '/(\d+)\.(\d+)/; print "cp$1$2-cp$1$2"')
case $(uname -s) in
    Linux) OS=manylinux2014;;
    Darwin) OS=macosx_13_0;;
ARCH=$(uname -m)
pip install -U "ray[default] @$RELEASE/${RELEASE%+*}-${PYTHON}-${OS}_${ARCH}.whl" "pydantic<2"

# Install the Julia packages "ray_julia_jll" and "Ray"
TAG="v0.1.0" julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url="", rev=ENV["TAG"]))'

Users attempting to use Ray.jl on other platforms can attempt to build the package from source.