Deputy(; shutdown_handler=nothing, shutdown_handler_timeout::Period=Second(5))

Construct an application Deputy which provides health check endpoints.


  • shutdown_handler (optional): A zero-argument function which allows the user to provide a custom callback function for when shutdown!(::Deputy) is called.
  • shutdown_handler_timeout::Period (optional): Specifies the maximum execution duration of a shutdown_handler.
K8sDeputy.serve!(deputy::Deputy, [host], [port::Integer]; kwargs...) -> HTTP.Server

Starts a non-blocking HTTP.Server responding to requests to deputy health checks. The following health check endpoints are available:

  • /health/live: Is the server is alive/running?
  • /health/ready: Is the server ready (has readied!(deputy) been called)?

These endpoints will respond with HTTP status 200 OK on success or 503 Service Unavailable on failure.


  • host (optional): The address to listen to for incoming requests. Defaults to Sockets.localhost.
  • port::Integer (optional): The port to listen on. Defaults to the port number specified by the environmental variable DEPUTY_HEALTH_CHECK_PORT, otherwise 8081.

Any kwargs provided are passed to HTTP.serve!.

readied!(deputy::Deputy) -> Nothing

Mark the application as "ready". Sets the readiness endpoint to respond with successful responses.

shutdown!(deputy::Deputy) -> Nothing

Initiates a shutdown of the application by:

  1. Mark the application as shutting down ("non-live").
  2. Executing the deputy's shutdown_handler (if defined).
  3. Exiting the current Julia process.

If a deputy.shutdown_handler is defined it must complete within the deputy.shutdown_handler_timeout or a warning will be logged and the Julia process will immediately exit. Any exceptions that occur in the deputy.shutdown_handler will also be logged and result in the Julia process exiting.

A shutdown_handler may optionally call exit if a user wants to specify the exit status. By default shutdown! uses an exit status of 1.

graceful_terminator(f; set_entrypoint::Bool=true) -> Nothing

Register a zero-argument function to be called when graceful_terminate is called targeting this process. The user-defined function f is expected to call exit to terminate the Julia process. The graceful_terminator function is only allowed to be called once within a Julia process.


  • set_entrypoint::Bool (optional): Sets the calling Julia process as the "entrypoint" to be targeted by default when running graceful_terminate in another Julia process. Users who want to utilize graceful_terminator in multiple Julia processes should use set_entrypoint=false and specify process IDs when calling graceful_terminate. Defaults to true.


app_status = AppStatus()
graceful_terminator(() -> shutdown!(app_status))

Kubernetes Setup

When using Kubernetes (K8s) you can enable graceful termination of a Julia process by defining a pod preStop container hook. Typically, K8s initiates graceful termination via the TERM signal but as Julia forcefully terminates when receiving this signal and Julia does not support user-defined signal handlers we utilize preStop instead.

The following K8s pod manifest snippet will specify K8s to call the user-defined function specified by the graceful_terminator:

    - lifecycle:
            command: ["julia", "-e", "using K8sDeputy; graceful_terminate()"]

Additionally, the entrypoint for the container should also not directly use the Julia process as the init process (PID 1). Instead, users should define their entrypoint similarly to ["/bin/sh", "-c", "julia entrypoint.jl; sleep 1"] as this allows for both the Julia process and the preStop process to cleanly terminate.

graceful_terminate(pid::Int32=entrypoint_pid(); wait::Bool=true) -> Nothing

Initiates the execution of the graceful_terminator user callback in the process pid. See graceful_terminator for more details.
